Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hard Day

On Wednesday Drew was doing pretty good. He was oxygenating pretty good and it seemed like he was getting over his infection. Yesterday started out pretty good but Drew had a difficult night. His lungs are not getting better and he was having a hard time oxygenating as well as ventilating out the co2 from his blood. Today was a tough day for Drew. He has a new infection and his lungs are really struggling. We are amazed at his toughness and strength, but he is in need of a lot right now. Drew is on a lot of antibiotics and they had to switch his ventilator (breathing machine) tonight because he was really struggling with the jet and drager ventilators. He is doing ok on his new ventilator the oscillator. We pray that his body and the antibiotics will quickly defeat these infections and that his lungs will do better on this ventilator. Despite these challenges Drew is fighting hard. He needs lots of prayers for his lungs. Thank you everyone for your prayers and love.


Anonymous said...

Jenn, Eric and Drew-

I stumbled upon your blog a couple of weeks ago. Even though we don't know each other, I follow your story everyday. The strength you have displayed has been amazing and inspiring. Your family continues to be in my prayers. May God heal little Drew's infection and strengthen his lungs.

Anonymous said...

Jenn, Eric, and Drew-
You all continue to be in our prayers. We pray the oscillator will give Drew the rest he needs to recover from this infection. My smallest required the oscillator after heart surgery and then an infection in her blood. We will also start praying for the medical staff that they might provide him with the best care possible. We love you guys...

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen and Eric,
I just wanted to tell you guys how beautiful Drew is and what a miracle he is. We are praying for drew and also for you two. Love The falatea's

Katie said...


I stumbled on your blog thru anika. I just wanted to say that you guys are amazing and you are in our prayers. i cant imagine what you are going through but my heart goes out to you both. I was in tears when i read your postings about Drew. What an awesome little sprit he has and a great attidute that you and eric have. its amazing, the lord works in mysterious ways. Be strong! and if you need anything at all - don't hesitate to call or blog me.