Saturday, December 15, 2007

Getting Better

Drew has been doing pretty well for the past two days. Yesterday his only problem aside from his lungs was that he wasn't urinating at all, but the nurse said that today he has been "wizzing like crazy!" We believe that he is overcoming the infections and that could be why he is doing a lot better. Drew looked really peaceful and happy today. We took some good pictures with him yesterday and today. We think he loves getting his picture taken, and we know that he loves it when Mommy and Daddy sing and read stories to him. His lungs seem to be doing a little better and we hope that they will continue to grow and strengthen. He has overcome so many challenges and we know that all of the prayers in his behalf have uplifted him and our family. Thank you so much to everyone for your support and mostly for your constant prayers. Drew is so blessed to have so many wonderful people who care so much about his well being, and we are so blessed to have Drew in our lives. He has taught us so many priceless lessons and has brought our family closer to one another and closer to God.


Karen said...

How fun to see a photo of Drew with his amazing PARENTS!! He looks so's so incredible that this little TINY person has such a personality. We're thankful for his inspired nurse. We're thankful that prayers are being answered for this precious miracle. We love your little boy and will keep praying hard for him. Oh and we love Eric and Jenn too!!
Ron and Karen Merrill

LTC said...

Jenn and Eric-
What an amazing little miracle you are witnessing. It is great to hear a positive note from the 3 of you today. I heard of tiny little Drew through your parents Christmas card and have been keeping up with your blog. Thanks for updating us on his progress.
You 2 are amazingly strong, and as a NICU mom, I know that is what it takes to get you through...smiling when you feel like crying. Take care of yourselves and spoil your little man rotten when you can.
If you ever need anything, really anything, just give my parents house a call...that is where I'll be for the next couple of months while my hubby is deployed. I am sure that your parents have the number...
I will keep you all in my prayers and I trust that he will continue to get better each day. They can do amazing things in there!
Keep smiling you guys...
-Lindsay (Tucker) Corbett

Unknown said...

What amazing pictures. He is so adorable and looks so good! Drew is so lucky to have such vigilent and loving parents.

N Luthi said...

Jenn and Eric:
I was so surprised to hear about your early delivery. It is so amazing the things that they can do now days for such early births. Our prayers are with you and hope that your little Drew (who by the way is darling)will condtinue to grow stronger each day. I know as a new grandma that your mom and dad are prbably so worried for you both. Hang tuff and our prayers are with you three.
Paul and Pam Paulsen

Terrence and Kestlee said...

Jenn, Eric and Drew-
Drew is so handsome!! My mom told me about your blog a couple weeks ago, and I have loved seeing pictures of little Drew, and also reading all of the updates. I hope that he continues to overcome the infections, and that his lungs will improve. Our thoughts and prayers are continually with you!!
Kestlee and Terrence

Anika said...

We are so glad he is doing better! Love, Anika and Nate